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                                                                      Can You Be A Creator?


          If history teaches us anything, it’s that perseverance leads to success. Important things like planes and cars wouldn’t be here today if people just gave up. That’s why I’d want to be a creator, so that I can do something amazing that can benefit the whole world. Unlike a victim whose a person who, when something bad happens to them, looks for someone/something to blame. Creators, however, are the complete opposite because they see multiple different ways they can improve a bad situation. Like in Mirmans article when the student became a creator and found the book they needed instead of just saying they couldn’t find it. Those are the kind of people we need if we want to change the world for the better.


        You can’t think negatively and expect to have positive outcomes. As long as you think negatively nothing but bad things will happen to you but once you start to think positively you can improve your life. Like in Mirmans article the two students couldn’t find their books at the bookstore so they each had a choice to make, either give up or keep trying and look elsewhere. One of them checked the bookstore then gave up and blamed the bookstore for not having the right book. However, that wasn’t good enough for the second student. Since just checking one bookstore wasn’t enough, the second student called other bookstores and even went online and was able to find the book on time and got the book cheaper so the student was able to pay for 2 day shipping. It’s like Mirman says in his article “The Creator asks “What can I do to achieve my goal?” or “What can I do to make this situation better?” rather than seeking to lay blame for how the situation came to be.” (Mirman)


          It was a little while after my eighteenth birthday and my mom told me that I needed to write thank you notes to everyone who sent me a card. After I wrote them they sat on a counter in the house for about a week until my mom reminded me. She came home one day and told me “You know you need to put stamps on the letters before you can send them, right?” I looked at her and told her “I thought that you were going to put the stamps on the letters”. She looked back at me and said “They are your letters why would you think I would put the stamps on them”. So I told her “It’s not my fault you didn’t tell me to put the stamps on the letters”. She told me “You should be able to do this on your own; I shouldn’t have to tell you to do this”.


          When I was close to graduating from high school my mom wanted to throw me a graduation party. Unfortunately a lot of my out-of-state family couldn’t make it so it was going to be a very small party. Instead of having a small party or no party at all, my mom came up with a different idea. Since we were already to out-of-state to go to a funeral, she had the idea of taking the party with us. She said “Since it’s going to be a small party I have a different idea. After the funeral, on the way home, we are going to stop off in each state we go through, spend a day there, and see what we can do for fun”. So after the funeral in Vermont we stayed there for a day with family. The days following we stopped in New York, she took us on a bus tour of New York, and we stayed with family. The last thing she had planned for us before we came home was go to Medieval Times in Maryland for dinner and a show.


            This semester, to become a creator, I’m going to improve myself from how I was in high school. In high school I would either get the assignment done in class or wait till the last minute to do it and even then I would work on it in school and wouldn’t do much work at home. I would do a lot of the class activities, but others I would just think “I don’t feel like it”. I would also get bad grades on tests and quizzes because I didn’t want to study. So this semester I’m going to do the complete opposite and actually try my hardest. I’m going to do my work at home and on time so I won’t have to scramble to get everything done. I’m also going to study at home, after class, and before/after work so that way I can be well prepared to pass the tests and quizzes. Also, and probably one of the worst problems I had in high school, I’m not going to argue with my teacher about things like homework or the due dates. I will show him respect by turning in my work on time without complaining or arguing and I will talk with respect by saying yes sir and asking questions politely.


                                                                            Works Cited

Mirman, David. "Do You Think like a Victim or a Creator?" You Are the Prime Mover. 2 Jan. 2012. Web. 10 Sept. 2015. <>.

Downing, Skip. On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life. 7th ed. Boston, 2014. 42. Print.



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